Auto-Generation of Component Structs

InfrastructureSystems.jl provides a mechanism to auto-generate Julia files containing structs and field accessor functions from JSON descriptors. Here are reasons to consider using this approach:

  • Auto-generation allows for easy refactoring of code. Adding fields to many structs can be tedious because you might have to edit many constructors. This process eliminates boiler-plate edits.
  • The JSON descriptor format includes a mechanism to define range validation on component fields. Validation can be enabled when adding components to a system.
  • Provides consistent formatting of structs, fields, and constructors.
  • Provides consistent documentation of structs and fields.


Refer to the docstrings for generate_struct and generate_structs and generate the files from the REPL.


  1. Create or modify the JSON descriptor file. Follow the PowerSystems.jl example.
  2. Run the generation script, passing your descriptor file and an output directory.
InfrastructureSystems.generate_structs("./src/descriptors/power_system_structs.json", "./src/models/generated")

Struct Descriptor Rules

Each struct descriptor must define the following fields:

  • struct_name: Name of struct
  • docstring: The docstring of the struct
  • fields: Array of struct members. See below for requirements.
  • supertype: Declare the struct with this parent type.

Required fields for each struct member:

  • name: Name of field
  • data_type: Type of field

Optional fields for each struct member:

  • accessor_module: Set this if the getter/setter functions are reimplementing a method defined in a different module.

  • comment: Field comment

  • default: The constructors will define this as a default value.

  • exclude_setter: Do not generate a setter function for this field.

  • internal_default: Set to true for non-user-facing fields like InfrastructureSystemsInternal that have default values.

  • needs_conversion: Set to true if the getter and setter function needs to apply unit conversion. The type must implement

    • get_value(::InfrastructureSystemsComponent, ::Type) and
    • set_value(::InfrastructureSystemsComponent, ::Type) for this combination of component type and member type.
  • null_value: Value to indicate the value is null, such as 0.0 for floating point numbers. If all members in the struct define this field then a "demo" constructor will be generated. This allows you to enter val = MyType(nothing) in the REPL and see the layout of a struct without worrying about valid values.

  • valid_range: Define this as a Dict with min and max and InfrastructureSystems.jl will validate any value against that range when you add the component to the system. Use null if one doesn't apply, such as if there is no max limit.

  • validation_action: Define this as error or warn. If it is error then InfrastructureSystems.jl will raise an exception if the validation code detects a problem. Otherwise, it will log a warning.


  • You will need to decide how to manage the generated files. The Sienna packages keep the generated code in the git repository. This is not required. You could choose to generate them at startup.
  • You may need to create custom constructors and this approach will not allow you to put them in the same file as the struct definition.