Managing Components

InfrastructureSystems.jl provides a common way of managing component structs in a system.

Type hierachy

Make every component a subtype of InfrastructureSystemsComponent.


Add this struct to every component struct.

  • It automatically creates a UUID for the component. This guarantees a unique way to identify the component.
  • It optionally provides an extension dictionary for user data. A user extending your package may want to use your struct but need one more field. Rather than create a new type they can add data to this ext object.

Instructions to implement a Component

  1. Add the field to your struct. The constructor does not take any parameters.
struct MyComponent

# Optional
get_ext(c::MyComponent) = InfrastructureSystems.get_ext(c.ext)
clear_ext!(c::MyComponent) = InfrastructureSystems.clear_ext(c.ext)
  1. Implement this function with true or false depending on whether your component type will support time series data. The default method returns false.
supports_time_series(::MyComponent) = true
  1. Implement this function with true or false depending on whether your component type will support supplemental attributes. The default method returns true.
supports_supplemental_attributes(::MyComponent) = true


  • InfrastructureSystems.get_uuid with argument obj::InfrastructureSystemsComponent returns the component UUID.
  • The extension dictionary is not created until the first time get_ext is called.

Interface requirements

Implement these methods for every struct.

  • get_internal(c::MyComponent)::InfrastructureSystemsInternal
  • get_name(c::MyComponent)::String

If the struct supports time series (default is false):

  • supports_time_series(::MyComponent) = true

Component Container

InfrastructureSystems.jl provides the SystemData struct to store a collection of components.

It is recommended but not required that you include this struct within your own system struct for these reasons:

Instructions on how to use the SystemData container

  1. Add an instance of SystemData to your system struct.
  2. Optionally pass a component validation descriptor file to the constructor.
  3. Optionally pass time_series_in_memory = true to the constructor if you know that all time series data will fit in memory and want a performance boost.
  4. Redirect these function calls to your instance of SystemData.
  • add_component!
  • remove_component!
  • get_component
  • get_components
  • get_components_by_name
  • add_time_series!

Importing InfrastructureSystems methods

It is recommended that you perform redirection on methods that act on SystemData so that those methods don't show up in Julia help or in methods output. For example:

get_time_series_resolution(sys::MySystem) =

On the other hand, it is recommended that you import methods that act on an InfrastructureSystemsComponent into your package's namespace so that you don't have to duplicate docstrings and perform redirection. For example:

import InfrastructureSystems: get_time_series