Troubleshoot Common Errors

Error: ## docstrings not included in the manual

Problem: Docstrings have been written, but have not been properly mapped to either a public or internal API. There may be multiple issues to iterate through:

  1. Verify there is an Internal API .md file to catch doctrings for structs/functions that are not exported. Example here

  2. Identify the *.jl file for one of your missing docstrings. Are other docstrings in that file visible in the compiled API .html?

    • YES: Check whether those other docstrings are listed in the Public API .md file in a @docs block. Either:

      • Add the missing struct/function names to an appropriate @docs block in the API .md if it is manually organized. See below if this creates a no docs found error.
      • Preferrably, switch to @autodocs with the *.jl file as one of its Pages instead.
    • No: add a new @autodocs block in the Public API .md file with that *.jl file as one of its Pages.

  3. Are these docstrings from InfrastructureSystems.jl? Follow how-to selectively export docstrings from InfrastructureSystems.jl.

Error: no docs found for SomeFunction or [:docs_block] error

No docstring has been written for SomeFunction. Find the *.jl file containing SomeFunction and add a docstring.

Error: duplicate docs found

Example: Error: duplicate docs found for 'PowerSimulations.SimulationProblemResults' in src\reference\

Problem: The same .jl file has been found more than once by Documenter.jl, which matches based on the end of a file path.

  1. Determine which file the function is located in

    Example: simulation_problem_results.jl for PowerSimulations.SimulationProblemResults

  2. Check whether that file is listed more than once in an @autodocs Pages list in the API markdown file (e.g., or Remove duplicates.

  3. Also check for other files with the same partial ending in the @autodocs Pages lists in the API .md file. Specify more of that file path to distinguish it.

    Example: Change Pages = ["problem_results.jl"] to Pages = ["operation/problem_results.jl"]

Parsing error for input from JuliaFormatter

Problem: JuliaFormatter 1.0 gives an uninformative error message when it can't parse something, with unhelpful line numbers. Common causes are something that is not proper Julia syntax inside a julia markdown block:


Or a single bracket in a markdown file:

] add PowerSystems


  • Avoid the single bracket with alternatives:
using Pkg;
  • If you can't avoid it:
    1. Remove the text with single bracket (or other problem) temporarily
    2. Run the formatter once to format the rest of the file
    3. Add the text back in
    4. Add the ignore keyword argument with the file name to JuliaFormatter.format in scripts/formatter/formatter_code.jl to skip the file in the future:
ignore = [""]

You might need to iterate through multiple files.

How can I see the output even with errors?

Sometimes the easiest way to diagnose an error is to look at the generated webpage locally.

By setting warnonly=true in makedocs at make.jl, you can temporarily disable errors and build regardless. This makes it easy to track down cross-reference errors by clicking a link and seeing what fails.

We do not allow warnonly=true to be used in production, so if used, this must be removed before a pull request is submitted.