
Modeling formulations are created by dispatching on abstract subtypes of PowerSimulations.AbstractDeviceFormulation



No variables are created for DeviceModel(<:DeviceType, FixedOutput)

Static Parameters:

  • ThermalGen:

    • $P^\text{th,max}$ = PowerSystems.get_max_active_power(device)
    • $Q^\text{th,max}$ = PowerSystems.get_max_reactive_power(device)
  • Storage:

    • $P^\text{st,max}$ = PowerSystems.get_max_active_power(device)
    • $Q^\text{st,max}$ = PowerSystems.get_max_reactive_power(device)

Time Series Parameters:

Device TypeParameterDefault Time Series Name


No objective terms are created for DeviceModel(<:DeviceType, FixedOutput)


Adds the active and reactive parameters listed for specific device types above to the respective active and reactive power balance expressions created by the selected Network Formulations.


No constraints are created for DeviceModel(<:DeviceType, FixedOutput)

FunctionData Options

PowerSimulations can represent variable costs using a variety of different methods depending on the data available in each device. The following describes the objective function terms that are populated for each variable cost option.


variable_cost = LinearFunctionData(c): creates a fixed marginal cost term in the objective function

\[\begin{aligned} & \text{min} \sum_{t} c * G_t \end{aligned}\]

QuadraticFunctionData and PolynomialFunctionData

variable_cost::QuadraticFunctionData and variable_cost::PolynomialFunctionData: create a polynomial cost term in the objective function

\[\begin{aligned} & \text{min} \sum_{t} \sum_{n} C_n * G_t^n \end{aligned}\]


  • For QuadraticFunctionData:

    • $C_0$ = get_constant_term(variable_cost)
    • $C_1$ = get_proportional_term(variable_cost)
    • $C_2$ = get_quadratic_term(variable_cost)
  • For PolynomialFunctionData:

    • $C_n$ = get_coefficients(variable_cost)[n]


variable_cost::PiecewiseLinearData and variable_cost::PiecewiseLinearSlopeData: create a piecewise linear cost term in the objective function

\[\begin{aligned} & \text{min} \sum_{t} f(G_t) \end{aligned}\]


  • For variable_cost::PiecewiseLinearData, $f(x)$ is the piecewise linear function obtained by connecting the (x, y) points get_points(variable_cost) in order.

  • For variable_cost = PiecewiseLinearSlopeData([x0, x1, x2, ...], y0, [s0, s1, s2, ...]), $f(x)$ is the piecewise linear function obtained by starting at (x0, y0), drawing a segment at slope s0 to x=x1, drawing a segment at slope s1 to x=x2, etc.


Adds an objective function cost term according to:

\[\begin{aligned} & \text{min} \sum_{t} \quad [E^{surplus}_t * C^{penalty} - E^{shortage}_t * C^{value}] \end{aligned}\]

Impact of different cost configurations:

The following table describes all possible configurations of the StorageCost with the target constraint in hydro or storage device models. Cases 1(a) & 2(a) will not impact the model's operations, and the target constraint will be rendered useless. In most cases that have no energy target and a non-zero value for $C^{value}$, if this cost is too high ($C^{value} >> 0$) or too low ($C^{value} <<0$) can result in either the model holding on to stored energy till the end of the model not storing any energy in the device. This is caused by the fact that when the energy target is zero, we have $E_t = - E^{shortage}_t$, and $- E^{shortage}_t * C^{value}$ in the objective function is replaced by $E_t * C^{value}$, thus resulting in $C^{value}$ to be seen as the cost of stored energy.

CaseEnergy TargetEnergy Shortage CostEnergy Value / Energy Surplus costEffect
Case 1(a)$\hat{E}=0$$C^{penalty}=0$$C^{value}=0$no change
Case 1(b)$\hat{E}=0$$C^{penalty}=0$$C^{value}<0$penalty for storing energy
Case 1(c)$\hat{E}=0$$C^{penalty}>0$$C^{value}=0$no penalties or incentives applied
Case 1(d)$\hat{E}=0$$C^{penalty}=0$$C^{value}>0$incentive for storing energy
Case 1(e)$\hat{E}=0$$C^{penalty}>0$$C^{value}<0$penalty for storing energy
Case 1(f)$\hat{E}=0$$C^{penalty}>0$$C^{value}>0$incentive for storing energy
Case 2(a)$\hat{E}>0$$C^{penalty}=0$$C^{value}=0$no change
Case 2(b)$\hat{E}>0$$C^{penalty}=0$$C^{value}<0$penalty on energy storage in excess of target
Case 2(c)$\hat{E}>0$$C^{penalty}>0$$C^{value}=0$penalty on energy storage short of target
Case 2(d)$\hat{E}>0$$C^{penalty}=0$$C^{value}>0$incentive on excess energy
Case 2(e)$\hat{E}>0$$C^{penalty}>0$$C^{value}<0$penalty on both excess/shortage of energy
Case 2(f)$\hat{E}>0$$C^{penalty}>0$$C^{value}>0$penalty for shortage, incentive for excess energy