
PowerSimulations.jl will output many log messages when building systems and running simulations. You may want to customize what gets logged to the console and, optionally, a file.

By default all log messages of level Logging.Info or higher will get displayed to the console. When you run a simulation a simulation-specific logger will take over and log its messages to a file in the logs directory in the simulation output directory. When finished it will relinquish control back to the global logger.

Configuring the global logger

To configure the global logger in a Jupyter Notebook or REPL you may configure your own logger with the Julia Logging standard library or use the convenience function provided by PowerSimulations. This example will log messages of level Logging.Error to console and Logging.Info and higher to the file power-simulations.log in the current directory.

import Logging
using PowerSimulations
logger = configure_logging(
    console_level = Logging.Error,
    file_level = Logging.Info,
    filename = "power-simulations.log"

Configuring the simulation logger

You can configure the logging level used by the simulation logger when you call build!(simulation). Here is an example that increases logging verbosity:

import Logging
using PowerSimulations
simulation = Simulation(...)
build!(simulation, console_level = Logging.Info, file_level = Logging.Debug)

The log file will be located at <your-output-path>/<simulation-name>/<run-output-dir>/logs/simulation.log.

Solver logs

You can configure logging for the solver you use. Refer to the solver documentation. PowerSimulations does not redirect or intercept prints to stdout or stderr from other libraries.

Recorder events

PowerSimulations uses the InfrastructureSystems.Recorder to store simulation events in a log file. Refer to this link for more information.