Creating and Handling Data for Dynamic Simulations

Originally Contributed by: Rodrigo Henriquez and José Daniel Lara


This tutorial briefly introduces how to create a system using PowerSystems.jl data structures. For more details visit PowerSystems.jl Documentation

Start by calling PowerSystems.jl and PowerSystemCaseBuilder.jl:

julia> using PowerSystems
julia> using PowerSystemCaseBuilder
julia> const PSY = PowerSystems;

PowerSystemCaseBuilder.jl is a helper library that makes it easier to reproduce examples in the documentation and tutorials. Normally you would pass your local files to create the system data instead of calling the function build_system. For more details visit PowerSystemCaseBuilder Documentation

System description

Next we need to define the different elements required to run a simulation. To run a simulation in PowerSimulationsDynamics, it is required to define a System that contains the following components:

Static Components

We called static components to those that are used to run a Power Flow problem.

  • Vector of Bus elements, that define all the buses in the network.
  • Vector of Branch elements, that define all the branches elements (that connect two buses) in the network.
  • Vector of StaticInjection elements, that define all the devices connected to buses that can inject (or withdraw) power. These static devices, typically generators, in PowerSimulationsDynamics are used to solve the Power Flow problem that determines the active and reactive power provided for each device.
  • Vector of PowerLoad elements, that define all the loads connected to buses that can withdraw current. These are also used to solve the Power Flow.
  • Vector of Source elements, that define source components behind a reactance that can inject or withdraw current.
  • The base of power used to define per unit values, in MVA as a Float64 value.
  • The base frequency used in the system, in Hz as a Float64 value.

Dynamic Components

Dynamic components are those that define differential equations to run a transient simulation.

  • Vector of DynamicInjection elements. These components must be attached to a StaticInjection that connects the power flow solution to the dynamic formulation of such device. DynamicInjection can be DynamicGenerator or DynamicInverter, and its specific formulation (i.e. differential equations) will depend on the specific components that define such device.
  • (Optional) Selecting which of the Lines (of the Branch vector) elements must be modeled of DynamicLines elements, that can be used to model lines with differential equations.

To start we will define the data structures for the network.

Three Bus case manual data creation

The following describes the system creation for this dynamic simulation case.

Static System creation

To create the system you need to load data using PowerSystemCaseBuilder.jl. This system was originally created from following raw file.

julia> sys = build_system(PSIDSystems, "3 Bus Inverter Base"; force_build=true)System
│ Property          │ Value       │
│ Name              │             │
│ Description       │             │
│ System Units Base │ SYSTEM_BASE │
│ Base Power        │ 100.0       │
│ Base Frequency    │ 60.0        │
│ Num Components    │ 16          │

Static Components
│ Type            │ Count │ Has Static Time Series │ Has Forecasts │
│ ACBus           │ 3     │ false                  │ false         │
│ Arc             │ 3     │ false                  │ false         │
│ Area            │ 1     │ false                  │ false         │
│ Line            │ 3     │ false                  │ false         │
│ LoadZone        │ 1     │ false                  │ false         │
│ StandardLoad    │ 3     │ false                  │ false         │
│ ThermalStandard │ 2     │ false                  │ false         │

This system does not have an injection device in bus 1 (the reference bus). We can add a source with small impedance directly as follows:

julia> slack_bus = [b for b in get_components(ACBus, sys) if get_bustype(b) == ACBusTypes.REF][1]BUS 1 (ACBus):
   number: 101
   name: BUS 1
   bustype: ACBusTypes.REF = 3
   angle: 0.0
   magnitude: 1.02
   voltage_limits: (min = 0.9, max = 1.1)
   base_voltage: 138.0
   area: 1 (Area)
   load_zone: 1 (LoadZone)
   ext: Dict{String, Any}()
      base_value: 100.0
      unit_system: UnitSystem.SYSTEM_BASE = 0
julia> inf_source = Source( name = "InfBus", #name available = true, #availability active_power = 0.0, reactive_power = 0.0, bus = slack_bus, #bus R_th = 0.0, #Rth X_th = 5e-6, #Xth ) InfBus (Source): name: InfBus available: true bus: BUS 1 (ACBus) active_power: 0.0 reactive_power: 0.0 R_th: 0.0 X_th: 5.0e-6 internal_voltage: 1.0 internal_angle: 0.0 dynamic_injector: nothing services: 0-element Vector{Service} ext: Dict{String, Any}() internal: InfrastructureSystems.InfrastructureSystemsInternal
julia> add_component!(sys, inf_source)

We just added a infinite source with $X_{th} = 5\cdot 10^{-6}$ pu. The system can be explored directly using functions like:

julia> show_components(sys, Source)Source
│ name   │ available │
│ InfBus │ true      │
julia> show_components(sys, ThermalStandard)ThermalStandard
│ name            │ available │
│ generator-102-1 │ true      │
│ generator-103-1 │ true      │

By exploring those it can be seen that the generators are named as: generator-bus_number-id. Then, the generator attached at bus 2 is named generator-102-1.

Dynamic Injections

We are now interested in attaching to the system the dynamic component that will be modeling our dynamic generator.

Dynamic generator devices are composed by 5 components, namely, machine, shaft, avr, tg and pss. So we will be adding functions to create all of its components and the generator itself:

julia> # *Machine*
       machine_classic() = BaseMachine(
           0.0, #R
           0.2995, #Xd_p
           0.7087, #eq_p
       # *Shaft*machine_classic (generic function with 1 method)
julia> shaft_damping() = SingleMass( 3.148, #H 2.0, #D ) # *AVR: No AVR*shaft_damping (generic function with 1 method)
julia> avr_none() = AVRFixed(0.0) # *TG: No TG*avr_none (generic function with 1 method)
julia> tg_none() = TGFixed(1.0) #efficiency # *PSS: No PSS*tg_none (generic function with 1 method)
julia> pss_none() = PSSFixed(0.0)pss_none (generic function with 1 method)

The next lines receives a static generator name, and creates a DynamicGenerator based on that specific static generator, with the specific components defined previously. This is a classic machine model without AVR, Turbine Governor and PSS.

julia> static_gen = get_component(Generator, sys, "generator-102-1")generator-102-1 (ThermalStandard):
   name: generator-102-1
   available: true
   status: true
   bus: BUS 2 (ACBus)
   active_power: 0.7
   reactive_power: 0.0
   rating: 3.333526661060325
   active_power_limits: (min = 0.0, max = 3.18)
   reactive_power_limits: (min = -1.0, max = 1.0)
   ramp_limits: (up = 3.18, down = 3.18)
   operation_cost: ThreePartCost
   base_power: 100.0
   time_limits: nothing
   must_run: false
   prime_mover_type: PrimeMovers.OT = 19
   fuel: ThermalFuels.OTHER = 14
   services: 0-element Vector{Service}
   time_at_status: 10000.0
   dynamic_injector: nothing
   ext: Dict{String, Any}("z_source" => (r = 0.0, x = 1.0))
      base_value: 100.0
      unit_system: UnitSystem.SYSTEM_BASE = 0
julia> dyn_gen = DynamicGenerator( name = get_name(static_gen), ω_ref = 1.0, machine = machine_classic(), shaft = shaft_damping(), avr = avr_none(), prime_mover = tg_none(), pss = pss_none(), ) generator-102-1 (DynamicGenerator{BaseMachine, SingleMass, AVRFixed, TGFixed, PSSFixed}): name: generator-102-1 ω_ref: 1.0 machine: BaseMachine shaft: SingleMass avr: AVRFixed prime_mover: TGFixed pss: PSSFixed base_power: 100.0 n_states: 2 states: [:δ, :ω] ext: Dict{String, Any}() internal: InfrastructureSystems.InfrastructureSystemsInternal

The dynamic generator is added to the system by specifying the dynamic and static generator

julia> add_component!(sys, dyn_gen, static_gen)

Then we can serialize our system data to a json file that can be later read as:

julia> to_json(sys, joinpath(file_dir, "modified_sys.json"), force = true)

Dynamic Lines case: Data creation

We will now create a three bus system with one inverter and one generator. In order to do so, we will parse the following ThreebusInverter.raw network:

julia> threebus_sys = build_system(PSIDSystems, "3 Bus Inverter Base")System
│ Property          │ Value       │
│ Name              │             │
│ Description       │             │
│ System Units Base │ SYSTEM_BASE │
│ Base Power        │ 100.0       │
│ Base Frequency    │ 60.0        │
│ Num Components    │ 16          │

Static Components
│ Type            │ Count │ Has Static Time Series │ Has Forecasts │
│ ACBus           │ 3     │ false                  │ false         │
│ Arc             │ 3     │ false                  │ false         │
│ Area            │ 1     │ false                  │ false         │
│ Line            │ 3     │ false                  │ false         │
│ LoadZone        │ 1     │ false                  │ false         │
│ StandardLoad    │ 3     │ false                  │ false         │
│ ThermalStandard │ 2     │ false                  │ false         │
julia> slack_bus = first(get_components(x -> get_bustype(x) == BusTypes.REF, Bus, threebus_sys))ERROR: UndefVarError: `BusTypes` not defined
julia> inf_source = Source( name = "InfBus", #name available = true, #availability active_power = 0.0, reactive_power = 0.0, bus = slack_bus, #bus R_th = 0.0, #Rth X_th = 5e-6, #Xth ) InfBus (Source): name: InfBus available: true bus: BUS 1 (ACBus) active_power: 0.0 reactive_power: 0.0 R_th: 0.0 X_th: 5.0e-6 internal_voltage: 1.0 internal_angle: 0.0 dynamic_injector: nothing services: 0-element Vector{Service} ext: Dict{String, Any}() internal: InfrastructureSystems.InfrastructureSystemsInternal
julia> add_component!(threebus_sys, inf_source)

We will connect a One-d-one-q machine at bus 102, and a Virtual Synchronous Generator Inverter at bus 103. An inverter is composed by a converter, outer control, inner control, dc source, frequency estimator and a filter.

Dynamic Inverter definition

We will create specific functions to create the components of the inverter as follows:

julia> #Define converter as an AverageConverter
       converter_high_power() = AverageConverter(
           rated_voltage = 138.0,
           rated_current = 100.0
       #Define Outer Control as a composition of Virtual Inertia + Reactive Power Droopconverter_high_power (generic function with 1 method)
julia> outer_control() = OuterControl( VirtualInertia(Ta = 2.0, kd = 400.0, kω = 20.0), ReactivePowerDroop(kq = 0.2, ωf = 1000.0), ) #Define an Inner Control as a Voltage+Current Controler with Virtual Impedance:outer_control (generic function with 1 method)
julia> inner_control() = VoltageModeControl( kpv = 0.59, #Voltage controller proportional gain kiv = 736.0, #Voltage controller integral gain kffv = 0.0, #Binary variable enabling voltage feed-forward in current controllers rv = 0.0, #Virtual resistance in pu lv = 0.2, #Virtual inductance in pu kpc = 1.27, #Current controller proportional gain kic = 14.3, #Current controller integral gain kffi = 0.0, #Binary variable enabling the current feed-forward in output of current controllers ωad = 50.0, #Active damping low pass filter cut-off frequency kad = 0.2, #Active damping gain ) #Define DC Source as a FixedSource:inner_control (generic function with 1 method)
julia> dc_source_lv() = FixedDCSource(voltage = 600.0) #Define a Frequency Estimator as a PLL #based on Vikram Kaura and Vladimir Blaskoc 1997 paper:dc_source_lv (generic function with 1 method)
julia> pll() = KauraPLL( ω_lp = 500.0, #Cut-off frequency for LowPass filter of PLL filter. kp_pll = 0.084, #PLL proportional gain ki_pll = 4.69, #PLL integral gain ) #Define an LCL filter:pll (generic function with 1 method)
julia> filt() = LCLFilter(lf = 0.08, rf = 0.003, cf = 0.074, lg = 0.2, rg = 0.01)filt (generic function with 1 method)

We will construct the inverter later by specifying to which static device is assigned.

Dynamic Generator definition

Similarly we will construct a dynamic generator as follows:

julia> # Create the machine
       machine_oneDoneQ() = OneDOneQMachine(
           0.0, #R
           1.3125, #Xd
           1.2578, #Xq
           0.1813, #Xd_p
           0.25, #Xq_p
           5.89, #Td0_p
           0.6, #Tq0_p
       # Shaftmachine_oneDoneQ (generic function with 1 method)
julia> shaft_no_damping() = SingleMass( 3.01, #H (M = 6.02 -> H = M/2) 0.0, #D ) # AVR: Type I: Resembles a DC1 AVRshaft_no_damping (generic function with 1 method)
julia> avr_type1() = AVRTypeI( 20.0, #Ka - Gain 0.01, #Ke 0.063, #Kf 0.2, #Ta 0.314, #Te 0.35, #Tf 0.001, #Tr (min = -5.0, max = 5.0), 0.0039, #Ae - 1st ceiling coefficient 1.555, #Be - 2nd ceiling coefficient ) #No TGavr_type1 (generic function with 1 method)
julia> tg_none() = TGFixed(1.0) #efficiency #No PSStg_none (generic function with 1 method)
julia> pss_none() = PSSFixed(0.0) #Vspss_none (generic function with 1 method)

Now we will construct the dynamic generator and inverter.

Add the components to the system

julia> for g in get_components(Generator, threebus_sys)
           #Find the generator at bus 102
           if get_number(get_bus(g)) == 102
               #Create the dynamic generator
               case_gen = DynamicGenerator(
                   1.0, # ω_ref,
                   machine_oneDoneQ(), #machine
                   shaft_no_damping(), #shaft
                   avr_type1(), #avr
                   tg_none(), #tg
                   pss_none(), #pss
               #Attach the dynamic generator to the system by
               # specifying the dynamic and static components
               add_component!(threebus_sys, case_gen, g)
               #Find the generator at bus 103
           elseif get_number(get_bus(g)) == 103
               #Create the dynamic inverter
               case_inv = DynamicInverter(
                   1.0, # ω_ref,
                   converter_high_power(), #converter
                   outer_control(), #outer control
                   inner_control(), #inner control voltage source
                   dc_source_lv(), #dc source
                   pll(), #pll
                   filt(), #filter
               #Attach the dynamic inverter to the system
               add_component!(threebus_sys, case_inv, g)

Save the system in a JSON file

julia> to_json(threebus_sys, joinpath(file_dir, "threebus_sys.json"), force = true)