Line Modeling Simulations

Originally Contributed by: Rodrigo Henriquez-Auba and José Daniel Lara


This tutorial will introduce an example of considering dynamic lines in PowerSimulationsDynamics.

This tutorial presents a simulation of a three-bus system, with an infinite bus (represented as a voltage source behind an impedance) at bus 1, a one d- one q- machine on bus 2 and an inverter of 19 states, as a virtual synchronous machine at bus 3. The perturbation will be the trip of two of the three circuits (triplicating its resistance and impedance) of the line that connects bus 1 and bus 3. This case also consider a dynamic line model for connection between buses 2 and 3. We will compare it against a system without dynamic lines.

It is recommended to check the OMIB tutorial first, since that includes more details and explanations on all definitions and functions.

Step 1: Package Initialization

julia> using PowerSimulationsDynamics
julia> using PowerSystems
julia> using PowerNetworkMatrices
julia> using PowerSystemCaseBuilder
julia> using Sundials
julia> using Plots

PowerSystemCaseBuilder.jl is a helper library that makes it easier to reproduce examples in the documentation and tutorials. Normally you would pass your local files to create the system data instead of calling the function build_system. For more details visit PowerSystemCaseBuilder Documentation

Step 2: Data creation

Load the system using PowerSystemCaseBuilder.jl:

julia> threebus_sys = build_system(PSIDSystems, "Three Bus Dynamic data Example System")System
│ Property          │ Value       │
│ Name              │             │
│ Description       │             │
│ System Units Base │ SYSTEM_BASE │
│ Base Power        │ 100.0       │
│ Base Frequency    │ 60.0        │
│ Num Components    │ 19          │

Static Components
│ Type            │ Count │ Has Static Time Series │ Has Forecasts │
│ ACBus           │ 3     │ false                  │ false         │
│ Arc             │ 3     │ false                  │ false         │
│ Area            │ 1     │ false                  │ false         │
│ Line            │ 3     │ false                  │ false         │
│ LoadZone        │ 1     │ false                  │ false         │
│ Source          │ 1     │ false                  │ false         │
│ StandardLoad    │ 3     │ false                  │ false         │
│ ThermalStandard │ 2     │ false                  │ false         │

Dynamic Components
│ Type             │ Count │
│ DynamicGenerator │ 1     │
│ DynamicInverter  │ 1     │

In addition, we will create a new copy of the system on which we will simulate the same case, but will consider dynamic lines:

julia> threebus_sys_dyn = deepcopy(threebus_sys);

Step 3: Create the fault and simulation on the Static Lines system

First, we construct the perturbation, by properly computing the new Ybus on the system:

julia> #Make a copy of the original system
       sys2 = deepcopy(threebus_sys)
       #Triplicates the impedance of the line named "BUS 1-BUS 3-i_1"System
│ Property          │ Value       │
│ Name              │             │
│ Description       │             │
│ System Units Base │ SYSTEM_BASE │
│ Base Power        │ 100.0       │
│ Base Frequency    │ 60.0        │
│ Num Components    │ 19          │

Static Components
│ Type            │ Count │ Has Static Time Series │ Has Forecasts │
│ ACBus           │ 3     │ false                  │ false         │
│ Arc             │ 3     │ false                  │ false         │
│ Area            │ 1     │ false                  │ false         │
│ Line            │ 3     │ false                  │ false         │
│ LoadZone        │ 1     │ false                  │ false         │
│ Source          │ 1     │ false                  │ false         │
│ StandardLoad    │ 3     │ false                  │ false         │
│ ThermalStandard │ 2     │ false                  │ false         │

Dynamic Components
│ Type             │ Count │
│ DynamicGenerator │ 1     │
│ DynamicInverter  │ 1     │
julia> fault_branches = get_components(ACBranch, sys2)ACBranch Counts: Line: 3
julia> for br in fault_branches if get_name(br) == "BUS 1-BUS 3-i_1" br.r = 3 * br.r br.x = 3 * br.x b_new = (from = br.b.from / 3, to = / 3) br.b = b_new end end #Obtain the new Ybus
julia> Ybus_fault = Ybus(sys2).data #Define Fault: Change of YBus3×3 SparseArrays.SparseMatrixCSC{ComplexF64, Int64} with 9 stored entries: 0.91954-10.9011im -0.689655+8.27586im -0.229885+2.75862im -0.689655+8.27586im 0.714334-8.78642im -0.0246792+1.11056im -0.229885+2.75862im -0.0246792+1.11056im 0.254564-3.33585im
julia> Ybus_change = NetworkSwitch( 1.0, #change at t = 1.0 Ybus_fault, #New YBus );

Now, we construct the simulation:

julia> #Time span of our simulation
       tspan = (0.0, 30.0)
       #Define Simulation(0.0, 30.0)
julia> sim = Simulation( ResidualModel, #Type of model used threebus_sys, #system pwd(), #folder to output results tspan, #time span Ybus_change, #Type of perturbation )Simulation Summary ┌─────────────────────────┬────────────────┐ │ Property │ Value │ ├─────────────────────────┼────────────────┤ │ Status │ BUILT │ │ Simulation Type │ Residual Model │ │ Initialized? │ Yes │ │ Multimachine system? │ No │ │ Time Span │ (0.0, 30.0) │ │ Number of States │ 33 │ │ Number of Perturbations │ 1 │ └─────────────────────────┴────────────────┘

We can obtain the initial conditions as:

julia> #Print the initial states. It also give the symbols used to describe those states.
       show_states_initial_value(sim)Voltage Variables
Vm 1.02
θ 0.0
Vm 1.0142
θ -0.0247
Vm 1.0059
θ 0.05
Differential States
eq_p 0.6478
ed_p 0.6672
δ 0.9386
ω 1.0
Vf 1.0781
Vr1 0.0333
Vr2 -0.1941
Vm 1.0142
Differential States
θ_oc 0.4573
ω_oc 1.0
q_oc -0.4453
ξd_ic 0.0013
ξq_ic 0.0004
γd_ic 0.0615
γq_ic -0.0138
ϕd_ic 0.8765
ϕq_ic -0.1978
vd_pll 0.8986
vq_pll 0.0
ε_pll 0.0
θ_pll 0.2354
ir_cnv 0.7462
ii_cnv 0.757
vr_filter 0.8738
vi_filter 0.2095
ir_filter 0.7617
ii_filter 0.6923

Step 4: Run the simulation of the Static Lines System

julia> #Run the simulation
           sim, #simulation structure
           IDA(), #Sundials DAE Solver
           dtmax = 0.02, #Maximum step size

Step 5: Store the solution

julia> results = read_results(sim)Simulation Results Summary
│ Property                   │ Value       │
│ System Base Power [MVA]    │ 100.0       │
│ System Base Frequency [Hz] │ 60.0        │
│ Time Span                  │ (0.0, 30.0) │
│ Total Time Steps           │ 1607        │
│ Number of States           │ 33          │
│ Total solve time           │ 2.425772422 │
julia> series2 = get_voltage_magnitude_series(results, 102)([0.0, 0.001, 0.002, 0.004, 0.008, 0.016, 0.032, 0.052000000000000005, 0.07200000000000001, 0.09200000000000001 … 29.83954153464911, 29.85954153464911, 29.87954153464911, 29.89954153464911, 29.91954153464911, 29.93954153464911, 29.95954153464911, 29.97954153464911, 29.999541534649108, 30.0], [1.0142000000000002, 1.0142000000001268, 1.0142000000001326, 1.0142000000001927, 1.01420000000014, 1.014200000000125, 1.0142000000001052, 1.0142000000000875, 1.014200000000071, 1.0142000000000564 … 1.0140816770731866, 1.0140823112693007, 1.014082942782033, 1.0140835715610201, 1.014084197556437, 1.0140848207190878, 1.0140854410003357, 1.0140860583521254, 1.0140866727269917, 1.0140866867751974])
julia> zoom = [ (series2[1][ix], series2[2][ix]) for (ix, s) in enumerate(series2[1]) if (s > 0.90 && s < 1.6) ];

Step 3.1: Create the fault and simulation on the Dynamic Lines system

An important aspect to consider is that DynamicLines must not be considered in the computation of the Ybus. First we construct the Dynamic Line, by finding the Line named "BUS 2-BUS 3-i_1", and then adding it to the system.

julia> # get component return the Branch on threebus_sys_dyn named "BUS 2-BUS 3-i_1"
       dyn_branch = DynamicBranch(get_component(Line, threebus_sys_dyn,"BUS 2-BUS 3-i_1"))
       # Adding a dynamic line will immediately remove the static line from the system.
BUS 2-BUS 3-i_1 (DynamicBranch):
   branch: BUS 2-BUS 3-i_1 (Line)
   n_states: 2
   states: [:Il_R, :Il_I]
   internal: InfrastructureSystems.InfrastructureSystemsInternal
julia> add_component!(threebus_sys_dyn, dyn_branch)

Similarly, we construct the Ybus fault by creating a copy of the original system, but removing the Line "BUS 2-BUS 3-i_1" to avoid considering it in the Ybus:

julia> #Make a copy of the original system
       sys3 = deepcopy(threebus_sys);
       #Remove Line "BUS 2-BUS 3-i_1"
julia> remove_component!(Line, sys3, "BUS 2-BUS 3-i_1") #Triplicates the impedance of the line named "BUS 1-BUS 2-i_1"
julia> fault_branches2 = get_components(Line, sys3)Line Counts: Line: 2
julia> for br in fault_branches2 if get_name(br) == "BUS 1-BUS 3-i_1" br.r = 3 * br.r br.x = 3 * br.x b_new = (from = br.b.from / 3, to = / 3) br.b = b_new end end #Obtain the new Ybus
julia> Ybus_fault_dyn = Ybus(sys3).data #Define Fault: Change of YBus3×3 SparseArrays.SparseMatrixCSC{ComplexF64, Int64} with 7 stored entries: 0.91954-10.9011im -0.689655+8.27586im -0.229885+2.75862im -0.689655+8.27586im 0.689655-8.17586im ⋅ -0.229885+2.75862im ⋅ 0.229885-2.72529im
julia> Ybus_change_dyn = NetworkSwitch( 1.0, #change at t = 1.0 Ybus_fault_dyn, #New YBus )NetworkSwitch(1.0, sparse([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 4, 5 … 5, 6, 1, 2, 4, 5, 1, 3, 4, 6], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2 … 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6], [0.9195402298850576, -0.6896551724137931, -0.2298850574712644, 10.901149425287358, -8.275862068965518, -2.7586206896551726, -0.6896551724137931, 0.6896551724137931, -8.275862068965518, 8.175862068965518 … -0.6896551724137931, -0.2298850574712644, 8.275862068965518, -8.175862068965518, -0.6896551724137931, 0.6896551724137931, 2.7586206896551726, -2.7252873563218394, -0.2298850574712644, 0.2298850574712644], 6, 6))

Step 4.1: Run the simulation of the Dynamic Lines System

Now, we construct the simulation:

julia> # Define Simulation
       sim_dyn = Simulation(
           ResidualModel, #Type of model used
           threebus_sys_dyn, #system
           pwd(), #folder to output results
           (0.0, 30.0), #time span
           Ybus_change_dyn, #Type of perturbation
       )Simulation Summary
│ Property                │ Value          │
│ Status                  │ BUILT          │
│ Simulation Type         │ Residual Model │
│ Initialized?            │ Yes            │
│ Multimachine system?    │ No             │
│ Time Span               │ (0.0, 30.0)    │
│ Number of States        │ 35             │
│ Number of Perturbations │ 1              │
julia> # Run the simulation
           sim_dyn, #simulation structure
           IDA(), #Sundials DAE Solver
           dtmax = 0.02, #Maximum step size

We can obtain the initial conditions as:

julia> #Print the initial states. It also give the symbols used to describe those states.
       show_states_initial_value(sim_dyn)Voltage Variables
Vm 1.02
θ 0.0
Vm 1.0141
θ -0.0155
Vm 0.9686
θ 0.1354
Differential States
eq_p 0.681
ed_p 0.6477
δ 0.907
ω 1.0
Vf 1.1115
Vr1 0.0355
Vr2 -0.2001
Vm 1.0141
Differential States
θ_oc 0.5658
ω_oc 1.0
q_oc -0.3799
ξd_ic 0.0014
ξq_ic 0.0003
γd_ic 0.0595
γq_ic -0.014
ϕd_ic 0.8484
ϕq_ic -0.201
vd_pll 0.8719
vq_pll 0.0
ε_pll -0.0
θ_pll 0.3332
ir_cnv 0.715
ii_cnv 0.7768
vr_filter 0.824
vi_filter 0.2851
ir_filter 0.7361
ii_filter 0.7158
Line Current States
Line BUS 2-BUS 3-i_1
Il_R -0.16141
Il_I -0.06381

Step 5.1: Store the solution

julia> results_dyn = read_results(sim_dyn)Simulation Results Summary
│ Property                   │ Value       │
│ System Base Power [MVA]    │ 100.0       │
│ System Base Frequency [Hz] │ 60.0        │
│ Time Span                  │ (0.0, 30.0) │
│ Total Time Steps           │ 1721        │
│ Number of States           │ 35          │
│ Total solve time           │ 2.298442545 │
julia> series2_dyn = get_voltage_magnitude_series(results_dyn, 102);
julia> zoom_dyn = [ (series2_dyn[1][ix], series2_dyn[2][ix]) for (ix, s) in enumerate(series2_dyn[1]) if (s > 0.90 && s < 1.6) ];

Step 6.1: Compare the solutions:

We can observe the effect of Dynamic Lines

julia> plot(series2_dyn, label = "V_gen_dyn");
julia> plot!(series2, label = "V_gen_st", xlabel = "Time [s]", ylabel = "Voltage [pu]");


that looks quite similar. The differences can be observed in the zoom plot:

julia> plot(zoom_dyn, label = "V_gen_dyn");
julia> plot!(zoom, label = "V_gen_st", xlabel = "Time [s]", ylabel = "Voltage [pu]");
