Adding an Operating Cost

This how-to guide covers the steps to select and add an operating cost to a component, such as a generator, load, or energy storage system.

To begin, the user must make 2 or 3 decisions before defining the operating cost:

  1. Select an appropriate OperationalCost from the OperationalCost options. In general, each operating cost has parameters to define fixed and variable costs. To be able to define an OperationalCost, you must first select a curve to represent the variable cost(s).
    1. If you selected ThermalGenerationCost or HydroGenerationCost, select either a FuelCurve or CostCurve to represent the variable cost, based on the units of the generator's data.
      • If you have data in terms of heat rate or water flow, use FuelCurve.
      • If you have data in units of currency, such as $/MWh, use CostCurve.
    If you selected another OperationalCost type, the variable cost is represented as a CostCurve.
  2. Select a ValueCurve to represent the variable cost data by comparing the format of your variable cost data to the Variable Cost Representations table and the ValueCurve options.

Then, the user defines the cost by working backwards:

  1. Define the variable cost's ValueCurve
  2. Use the ValueCurve to define the selected CostCurve or FuelCurve
  3. Use the CostCurve or FuelCurve to define the OperationalCost

Let's look at a few examples.

Example 1: A Renewable Generator

We have a renewable unit that produces at $22/MWh.

Following the decision steps above:

  1. We select RenewableGenerationCost to represent this renewable generator.
  2. We select a LinearCurve to represent the $22/MWh variable cost.

Following the implementation steps, we define RenewableGenerationCost by nesting the definitions:

julia> RenewableGenerationCost(variable = CostCurve(value_curve = LinearCurve(22.0)))RenewableGenerationCost:
  variable: CostCurve:
    value_curve: LinearCurve (a type of InputOutputCurve) where function is: f(x) = 22.0 x + 0.0
    power_units: UnitSystem.NATURAL_UNITS = 2
    vom_cost: LinearCurve (a type of InputOutputCurve) where function is: f(x) = 0.0 x + 0.0
  curtailment_cost: CostCurve:
    value_curve: LinearCurve (a type of InputOutputCurve) where function is: f(x) = 0.0 x + 0.0
    power_units: UnitSystem.NATURAL_UNITS = 2
    vom_cost: LinearCurve (a type of InputOutputCurve) where function is: f(x) = 0.0 x + 0.0

Example 2: A Thermal Generator

We have a thermal generating unit that has a heat rate of 7 GJ/MWh at 100 MW and 9 GJ/MWh at 200 MW, plus a fixed cost of $6.0/hr, a start-up cost of $2000, and a shut-down cost of $1000. Its fuel cost is $20/GJ.

Following the decision steps above:

  1. We select ThermalGenerationCost to represent this thermal generator.
  2. We select FuelCurve because we have consumption in units of fuel (GJ/MWh) instead of currency.
  3. We select a PiecewisePointCurve to represent the piecewise linear heat rate curve.

This time, we'll define each step individually, beginning with the heat rate curve:

julia> heat_rate_curve = PiecewisePointCurve([(100.0, 7.0), (200.0, 9.0)])PiecewisePointCurve (a type of InputOutputCurve) where function is: piecewise linear y = f(x) connecting points:
  (x = 100.0, y = 7.0)
  (x = 200.0, y = 9.0)

Use the heat rate to define the fuel curve, including the cost of fuel:

julia> fuel_curve = FuelCurve(value_curve = heat_rate_curve, fuel_cost = 20.0)FuelCurve:
  value_curve: PiecewisePointCurve (a type of InputOutputCurve) where function is: piecewise linear y = f(x) connecting points:
    (x = 100.0, y = 7.0)
    (x = 200.0, y = 9.0)
  power_units: UnitSystem.NATURAL_UNITS = 2
  fuel_cost: 20.0
  vom_cost: LinearCurve (a type of InputOutputCurve) where function is: f(x) = 0.0 x + 0.0

Finally, define the full operating cost:

julia> cost = ThermalGenerationCost(variable = fuel_curve, fixed = 6.0, start_up = 2000.0, shut_down = 1000.0)ThermalGenerationCost:
  variable: FuelCurve:
    value_curve: PiecewisePointCurve (a type of InputOutputCurve) where function is: piecewise linear y = f(x) connecting points:
      (x = 100.0, y = 7.0)
      (x = 200.0, y = 9.0)
    power_units: UnitSystem.NATURAL_UNITS = 2
    fuel_cost: 20.0
    vom_cost: LinearCurve (a type of InputOutputCurve) where function is: f(x) = 0.0 x + 0.0
  fixed: 6.0
  start_up: 2000.0
  shut_down: 1000.0

This OperationalCost can be used when defining a component or added to an existing component using set_operation_cost!.