Add a New or Custom Type

This page describes how developers should add types to PowerSystems.jl

Type Hierarchy

All structs that correlate to power system components must be subtypes of the Component abstract type. Browse its type hierachy to choose an appropriate supertype for your new struct.


Refer to the managing components guide for component requirements.

In particular, please note the methods supports_time_series (default = false) and supports_supplemental_attributes (default = true) that you may need to implement.

Note: get_internal and get_name are imported into PowerSystems, so you should implement your methods as PowerSystems methods.

Some abstract types define required interface functions in docstring. Be sure to implement each of them for your new type.

Formalized documentation for each abstract type is TBD.

Specialize an Existing Type

There are scenarios where you may want to make a new type that is identical to an existing type except for one attribute or behavior, and don't want to duplicate the entire existing type and methods. In programming languages that support inheritance you would derive a new class from the existing class and automatically inherit its fields and methods. Julia doesn't support that. However, you can achieve a similar result with a forwarding macro. The basic idea is that you include the existing type within your struct and then use a macro to automatically forward specific methods to that instance.

A few PowerSystems structs use the macro InfrastructureSystems.@forward to do this. Refer to the struct RoundRotorQuadratic for an example of how to use this.

Custom Rules

Some types require special checks before they can be added to or removed from a system. One example is the case where a component includes another component that is also stored in the system. We must ensure that the parent component does not contain a reference to another component that is not already attached to the system.

Similarly, if the child object is removed from the system we must also remove the parent's reference to that child.

The source file src/base.jl provides functions that you can implement for your new type to manage these scenarios.

  • check_component_addition(sys::System, component::Component; kwargs...)
  • handle_component_addition!(sys::System, component::Component; kwargs...)
  • check_component_removal(sys::System, component::Component; kwargs...)
  • handle_component_removal!(sys::System, component::Component; kwargs...)

The functions add_component!() and remove_component!() call the check function before performing actions and then call the handle function afterwards. The default behavior of these functions is to do nothing. Implement versions that take your type in order to add your own checks or perform additional actions.

Beware of the condition where a custom method is already implemented for a supertype of your type.

Note that you can call the helper functions is_attached(component, system) and throw_if_not_attached(component, system).

Custom Validation

You can implement three methods to perform custom validation or correction for your type. PowerSystems calls all of these functions in add_component!.

  • sanitize_component!(component::Component, sys::System): intended to make standard data corrections (e.g. voltage angle in degrees -> radians)
  • validate_component(component::Component): intended to check component field values for internal consistency
  • validate_component_with_system(component::Component, sys::System): intended to check component field values for consistency with system

Struct Requirements for Serialization of custom components

One key feature of PowerSystems.jl is the serialization capabilities. Supporting serialization and de-serialization of custom components requires the implementation of several methods. The serialization code converts structs to dictionaries where the struct fields become dictionary keys.

The code imposes these requirements:

  1. The InfrastructureSystems methods serialize and deserialize must be implemented for the struct. InfrastructureSystems implements a method that covers all subtypes of InfrastructureSystemsType. All PowerSystems components should be subtypes of PowerSystems.Component which is a subtype InfrastructureSystemsType, so any new structs should be covered as well.
  2. All struct fields must be able to be encoded in JSON format or be covered be covered by serialize and deserialize methods. Basic types, such as numbers and strings or arrays and dictionaries of numbers and strings, should just work. Complex containers with symbols may not.
  3. Structs relying on the default deserialize method must have a kwarg-only constructor. The deserialization code constructs objects by splatting the dictionary key/value pairs into the constructor.
  4. Structs that contain other PowerSystem components (like a generator contains a bus) must serialize those components as UUIDs instead of actual values. The deserialization code uses the UUIDs as a mechanism to restore a reference to the actual object rather a new object with identical values. It also significantly reduces the size of the JSON file.

Refer to InfrastructureSystems.serialize_struct for example behavior. New structs that are not subtypes of InfrastructureSystemsType may be able to call it directly.

Adding PowerSystems.jl as a dependency in a modeling package

module MyModelingModule

import PowerSystems
import InfrastructureSystems
const PSY = PowerSystems
const IS = InfrastructureSystems

export MyDevice
export get_name

mutable struct MyDevice <: PSY.Device

function MyDevice(name::String)
    return MyDevice(name, IS.InfrastructureSystemsInternal())

PSY.get_name(val::MyDevice) =


Auto-generating Structs

Most PowerSystems.jl structs are auto-generated from the JSON descriptor file src/descriptors/power_system_structs.json. You can add your new struct here or write it manually when contributing code to the repository.

If all you need is the basic struct definition and getter/setter functions then you will likely find the auto-generation helpful.

If you will need to write specialized functions for the type then you will probably want to write it manually.

Please refer to the docstrings for the functions generate_struct and generate_structs. Full details are in the InfrastructureSystems documentation at

Testing the addition of new struct to the code base

In order to merge new structs to the code base, your struct needs to pass several tests.

  1. addition to System
  2. retrieval from System
  3. serialization/de-serialization

The following code block is an example of the code that the new struct needs to pass

using PowerSystems

sys = System(100.0)
device = NewType(data)

# add your component to the system
add_component!(sys, device)
retrived_device = get_component(NewType, sys, "component_name")

# Serialize
to_json(sys, "sys.json")

# Re-create the system and find your component.
sys2 = System("sys.json")
serialized_device = get_component(NewType, sys, "component_name")

@test get_name(retrieved_device) == get_name(serialized_device)