customize the tabular data parser

This page describes how developers should read columns from raw data files.

The main point is that you should not read individual hard-coded column names from DataFrames. The parsing code includes mapping functionality that allows you to use PowerSystems-standard names while letting the users define their own custom names.

Note: This assumes that you are familiar with the PowerSystems Table Data Parser.


  1. Add an entry to the array of parameters for your category in src/descriptors/power_system_inputs.json according to the following:

    1. Use snake_case for the name field.
    2. The fields name and description are required.
    3. Try to use a name that is generic and not specific to one dataset.
    4. It is recommended that you define unit.
    5. If PowerSystems expects the value to be per-unit then you must specify system_per_unit=true.
  2. PowerSystems has two commonly-used datasets with customized user config files: PowerSystemsTestData and RTS_GMLC. Update both of these files and submit pull requests.

  3. Parse the raw data like in this example:

function demo_bus_csv_parser!(data::PowerSystemTableData)
    for bus in iterate_rows(data, BUS::InputCategory)
        @show, bus.max_active_power, bus.max_reactive_power

iterate_rows returns a NamedTuple where each name defined in src/descriptors/power_system_inputs.json is a field.