
mutable struct VariableReserveNonSpinning <: ReserveNonSpinning
    ext::Dict{String, Any}

A non-spinning reserve product with a time-varying procurement requirement, such as a higher requirement during hours with an expected high load or high ramp.

This reserve product includes back-up generators that might not be currently synchronized with the power system, but can come online quickly after an unexpected contingency, such as a transmission line or generator outage. To model the time varying requirement, a "requirement" time series should be added to this reserve.

This is only an upwards reserve. For faster-responding upwards or downwards reserves from components already synchronized with the system, see VariableReserve


  • name::String: Name of the component. Components of the same type (e.g., PowerLoad) must have unique names, but components of different types (e.g., PowerLoad and ACBus) can have the same name
  • available::Bool: Indicator of whether the component is connected and online (true) or disconnected, offline, or down (false). Unavailable components are excluded during simulations
  • time_frame::Float64: the saturation time_frame in minutes to provide reserve contribution, validation range: (0, nothing)
  • requirement::Float64: the required quantity of the product should be scaled by a TimeSeriesData
  • sustained_time::Float64: (default: 14400.0) the time in seconds reserve contribution must sustained at a specified level, validation range: (0, nothing)
  • max_output_fraction::Float64: (default: 1.0) the maximum fraction of each device's output that can be assigned to the service, validation range: (0, 1)
  • max_participation_factor::Float64: (default: 1.0) the maximum portion [0, 1.0] of the reserve that can be contributed per device, validation range: (0, 1)
  • deployed_fraction::Float64: (default: 0.0) Fraction of service procurement that is assumed to be actually deployed. Most commonly, this is assumed to be either 0.0 or 1.0, validation range: (0, 1)
  • ext::Dict{String, Any}: (default: Dict{String, Any}()) An extra dictionary for users to add metadata that are not used in simulation, such as latitude and longitude.
  • internal::InfrastructureSystemsInternal: (Do not modify.) PowerSystems.jl internal reference