SIIP Tutorial


The goal of this walkthrough of the fundamentals of SIIP is to lead the reader by hand through a series of steps to successfully solve a day ahead market scheduling problem using the packages under the SIIP umbrella.

More concretely, as part of this walkthrough, you will

  1. Setup your local development environment
  2. Introduction to Julia
  3. Solve a Day Ahead Market Scheduling Problem using SIIP
  4. Add, remove, and update data on PowerSystems.System struct

As part of this walkthrough, you will learn one of the possible workflows with Julia, SIIP and vscode.

Check out the How To Guides for more specific how to guides on various things related to SIIP.

This fundamentals walkthrough is structured as a self-paced learning exercise. It is most useful if you follow along with a setup on your local development environment. All the software used is free and open source.

This walkthrough uses the Julia programming language. There are instructions available here on how to set it up on your local machine.

If you have any feedback or questions, feel free to contact us on the SIIP team.


CC BY-SA 4.0 "Dheepak Krishnamurthy". Last modified: August 26, 2022. Website built with Franklin.jl and the Julia programming language.