SIIP Tutorial

Solve a Day Ahead Market Scheduling Problem using SIIP

In this tutorial, you will create and solve a day ahead market scheduling problem using SIIP.

Once you have completed this tutorial, you will have a basic understanding of a simple workflow in Julia when using packages under the SIIP umbrella.

  1. Setup
  2. Create a entry point script file
  3. Verify Project Environment
  4. Loading PowerSystems Data
  5. Building a Optimization Problem
  6. Solving the Optimization Model
  7. Getting Results from the Model
  8. Plotting Results
  9. Summary

If you are already familiar with this or want to jump ahead, you may want to check out the tutorial on manipulating data in PowerSystems.System.


If you haven't done so already, you will need to set up your local development environment.

Create a entry point script file

Using vscode, you can create a new file anywhere in this folder.

I personally like to make all my scripts a Julia package. For creating this repository, I did the following:

(@v1.9) pkg> generate SIIP_Tutorial

Then I ran the following:

cd SIIP_Tutorial
julia --project
💡 Tip You can pass an argument to the --project flag to use an environment located anywhere locally on your computer.
julia --project="/path/to/any/julia-environment-folder/"
Just to recall, any folder that contains a valid Project.toml is a Julia environment.Then in the package REPL mode, I run add PowerSystems PowerSimulations ...If you wanted to create an environment for your own analysis, this is what you'd do.

If I were starting a fresh project for an analysis, I would run generate AnalysisProjectFoo and then place my scripts in ./scripts/script-name.jl, and run using AnalysisProjectFoo in the first line. This way, I can place the functions I'm using in the package, i.e. in src/AnalysisProjectFoo.jl and write very simple function calls in ./scripts/script-name.jl.

But for this tutorial, we are not going to worry about that. You can create a entry point script file anywhere in this folder. I've created a placeholder file in ./scripts/unit-commitment.jl for this tutorial that you may use if you'd like.

SIIP is a collection of packages written in Julia that enable among other things production cost modeling. Any file that has the extension .jl is a Julia file.

In order to run this file, we will use a vscode's feature. First type println("hello world") in the unit-commitment.jl file.

Open the command palette:

And type "Julia execute active file" and hit enter. You should see a terminal with a Julia REPL open up in the bottom half of your screen with the words hello world printed.

Verify Project Environment

We will go over environments in more detail in a next tutorial. For now, it is sufficient to know that if you cloned the repo and opened the Julia REPL from within the git repository's root directly, you are currently in a Julia environment set up for this tutorial.

To verify this, type ] in the Julia REPL to enter the REPL's Pkg (Package) mode, and type status.

If the Pkg mode prompts you to instantiate, type instantiate and hit enter. This may take a few minutes while it precompiles all the packages on your machine locally.

To exit the Pkg REPL mode, hit Backspace. You'll return back to a Julia REPL.

Type the following in the REPL to ensure that your environment is loaded correctly.

using PowerSystems

Loading PowerSystems Data

A good way to think about Production Cost Modeling is in 3 steps.

  1. Loading input data into memory
  2. Building a optimization problem that you'd like to solve:
    • What is the objective function?
    • What are the constraints?
  3. Running the built optimization problem using the data loaded
  4. Storing / visualizing results

Let's start with loading data.

For now, we are going to use an existing data set to get started but in a later tutorial, we'll walk through how to bring your own data set into a PCM with SIIP.

In your file, add the following:

using PowerSystems
using PowerSystemCaseBuilder

# uses RTS Test System with Time Series data
@time system = build_system(PSITestSystems, "modified_RTS_GMLC_DA_sys"; force_build = true, skip_serialization = true)

The code above builds a system using the modified_RTS_GMLC_DA_sys test system from the library of cases.

💡 Tip Any text following a # in the same line is a comment and will be ignored.

Once you have added the code to your file, run the file using the Julia: Execute active file in REPL command palette option.

Vscode also has a button at the top right that you can click to execute the active file in the REPL, but I like using the command palette option because it is more flexible and more general purpose. Any functionality available in vscode can be accessed using the command palette.

The Julia extension also has a feature that lets you run the current line in the REPL using Ctrl + Enter. You can also run the visually selected lines in the REPL, although there may not be a key mapping for that by default.

🏋 Exercise Using the command palette, run the action to Open Keyboard Shortcuts and add Ctrl + Shift + Enter as a keyboard shortcut for Julia: Send Current Line or Selection to REPL.

Once the build_system function is completed, you should see a summary of the system loaded in the Julia REPL like so.

💡 Tip You can use the Logging package in Julia to add log messages to your code.For example, modify the above script to use the Logging package and add a @info statement.
using Logging
@info "Building the RTS test system"

using PowerSystems
using PowerSystemCaseBuilder

# uses RTS Test System with Time Series data
@time system = build_system(PSITestSystems, "modified_RTS_GMLC_DA_sys"; force_build = true, skip_serialization = true)
You should see the following in your terminal before the output of running the script.
[ Info: Building the RTS test system

Going forward in this tutorial, I'm going to show the output of the terminal on this webpage, instead of screenshots of the vscode terminal, for the clarity of presentation. For example, the output of the system will be as follows:

  1.900906 seconds (8.94 M allocations: 450.199 MiB, 5.79% gc time, 23.47% compilation time)
│ Property          │ Value       │
│ System Units Base │ SYSTEM_BASE │
│ Base Power        │ 100.0       │
│ Base Frequency    │ 60.0        │
│ Num Components    │ 500         │

Static Components
│ Type                                      │ Count │ Has Static Time Series │ Has Forecasts │
│ Arc                                       │ 109   │ false                  │ false         │
│ Area                                      │ 3     │ true                   │ true          │
│ Bus                                       │ 73    │ false                  │ false         │
│ FixedAdmittance                           │ 3     │ true                   │ true          │
│ HydroDispatch                             │ 1     │ true                   │ true          │
│ Line                                      │ 105   │ false                  │ false         │
│ LoadZone                                  │ 21    │ false                  │ false         │
│ PowerLoad                                 │ 51    │ true                   │ true          │
│ RenewableDispatch                         │ 29    │ true                   │ true          │
│ RenewableFix                              │ 31    │ true                   │ true          │
│ TapTransformer                            │ 15    │ false                  │ false         │
│ ThermalStandard                           │ 54    │ false                  │ false         │
│ VariableReserve{PowerSystems.ReserveDown} │ 1     │ true                   │ true          │
│ VariableReserve{PowerSystems.ReserveUp}   │ 4     │ true                   │ true          │

Time Series Summary
│ Property                         │ Value               │
│ Components with time series data │ 123                 │
│ Total StaticTimeSeries           │ 124                 │
│ Total Forecasts                  │ 124                 │
│ Resolution                       │ 60 minutes          │
│ First initial time               │ 2020-01-01T00:00:00 │
│ Last initial time                │ 2020-12-30T00:00:00 │
│ Horizon                          │ 48                  │
│ Interval                         │ 1440 minutes        │
│ Forecast window count            │ 365                 │

The summary shows us that this system has 3 areas, 73 buses, and a mix of renewable and thermal generation.

📝 Note You'll notice that it took about 60 seconds to create the system for me.The first time you run any Julia code, it is going to be slower than future runs in the same REPL. This is because Julia compiles your code just before running it the first time. The second time onwards, it uses your compiled code. The following is the output of the same build_system function 3 more times, and it only takes about a second each time.
@time system = build_system(PSITestSystems, "modified_RTS_GMLC_DA_sys";
   force_build = true, skip_serialization = true);
@time system = build_system(PSITestSystems, "modified_RTS_GMLC_DA_sys";
   force_build = true, skip_serialization = true);
@time system = build_system(PSITestSystems, "modified_RTS_GMLC_DA_sys";
   force_build = true, skip_serialization = true);
  1.491860 seconds (8.49 M allocations: 425.314 MiB, 7.42% gc time)
  1.498066 seconds (8.49 M allocations: 425.314 MiB, 12.36% gc time)
  1.392384 seconds (8.49 M allocations: 425.381 MiB, 4.70% gc time)
There are ways to decrease the "first time to run" for Julia code but we'll cover that in a more advanced session. For now, it is enough to just be aware of this quirk of the language.

Also, notice that we ran the function build_system and stored the returned value in a variable called system. We can see the type of any value by calling the typeof function. You can type the following in the Julia REPL.


This is a PowerSystems.System type. Here PowerSystems is the Julia Module i.e. Package where the type is defined. System is the type.

This PowerSystems.System struct contains all the data for our 73 bus test system.

📝 Note The value of the last expression in the Julia script that is being executed is displayed in the REPL. If you want to suppress this output, you can either add a ; to the end of the last expression or add a nothing to the last line.i.e.

PowerSystemCaseBuilder comes with a large number of other test systems.

using PowerSystemCaseBuilder

We will discuss more about these other systems, and how this data can be accessed or modified in a later part of this tutorial.

Building a Optimization Problem

Let's solve a day ahead unit commitment problem. First, we need to define the list of constraints that define a unit commitment problem. Fortunately, PowerSimulations has a template for just that.

using PowerSimulations

@info "Building a template for unit commitment"
template = template_unit_commitment()
Network Model
│ Network Model │ PowerSimulations.CopperPlatePowerModel │
│ Slacks        │ false                                  │
│ PTDF          │ false                                  │
│ Duals         │                                        │

Device Models
│ Device Type                       │ Formulation                                 │ Slacks │
│ PowerSystems.ThermalStandard      │ PowerSimulations.ThermalBasicUnitCommitment │ false  │
│ PowerSystems.HydroEnergyReservoir │ PowerSimulations.HydroDispatchRunOfRiver    │ false  │
│ PowerSystems.RenewableDispatch    │ PowerSimulations.RenewableFullDispatch      │ false  │
│ PowerSystems.PowerLoad            │ PowerSimulations.StaticPowerLoad            │ false  │
│ PowerSystems.InterruptibleLoad    │ PowerSimulations.InterruptiblePowerLoad     │ false  │
│ PowerSystems.RenewableFix         │ PowerSimulations.FixedOutput                │ false  │
│ PowerSystems.HydroDispatch        │ PowerSimulations.HydroDispatchRunOfRiver    │ false  │

Branch Models
│ Branch Type                 │ Formulation                   │ Slacks │
│ PowerSystems.Transformer2W  │ PowerSimulations.StaticBranch │ false  │
│ PowerSystems.Line           │ PowerSimulations.StaticBranch │ false  │
│ PowerSystems.HVDCLine       │ PowerSimulations.HVDCDispatch │ false  │
│ PowerSystems.TapTransformer │ PowerSimulations.StaticBranch │ false  │

Service Models
│ Service Type                                           │ Formulation                   │ Slacks │ Aggregated Model │
│ PowerSystems.VariableReserve{PowerSystems.ReserveUp}   │ PowerSimulations.RangeReserve │ false  │ true             │
│ PowerSystems.VariableReserve{PowerSystems.ReserveDown} │ PowerSimulations.RangeReserve │ false  │ true             │

This template is like a blueprint or recipe for what optimization problem we'd like to solve.

Note that this printout shows that this template defines the recipe for how to assemble device, branch and service models. And under device models, for the various kinds of components, there are various formulations assigned to them. All of this is configurable, but for now we are going to stick with the defaults. We will discuss the various kinds of device formulations in a later tutorial.

Next, we want to choose a solver that can solve mixed integer linear programming (MILP) problems. GLPK, Cbc, Gurobi, CPLEX, Xpress etc are all valid options here. For this tutorial we are going to use HiGHS.

using HiGHS

optimizer = optimizer_with_attributes(HiGHS.Optimizer, "mip_rel_gap" => 0.05)
MathOptInterface.OptimizerWithAttributes(HiGHS.Optimizer, Pair{MathOptInterface.AbstractOptimizerAttribute, Any}[MathOptInterface.RawOptimizerAttribute("mip_rel_gap") => 0.05])

Note that the pair "mip_rel_gap" => 0.05 argument passed to this function is a solver option of HiGHS. If you are using a different solver, you may need to look up the options in the solver interface in the corresponding Julia package. For example, if you wanted to use Cbc, you could replace HiGHS.Optimizer with Cbc.Optimizer and add the corresponding attributes for the Cbc solver. For more information on this, check out the JuMP documentation.

In order to build a model, we can create an instance of a DecisionModel using the template that defines the optimization problem and the system that contains the input data. We also pass in additional options for the optimizer and the horizon in this case.

model = DecisionModel(
   optimizer = optimizer,
   horizon = 24,
build!(model, output_dir = mktempdir())
PowerSimulations.BuildStatusModule.BuildStatus.BUILT = 0

Note that the build! function uses the data in the system to assemble the optimization model (create all the variables, constraints, objective function etc, defined in the template) that we can pass to the solver.

📝 Note If you've been paying close attention, you might notice that this is unlike other production cost modeling software or other hand rolled approaches to solving this problem. Specifically, although the template defines ahead of time what variables and constraints will be assembled into the optimization model, the actual assembly of the model occurs only when the build! function is called. This allows for a declarative approach to defining the formulations for various models. If this does not make sense at the moment, don't worry. We will be going through all this in more detail in the next session.

Solving the Optimization Model

The build! function is where most of the heavy lifting is done. Now that the model is built, we can solve the model by calling solve!.


This sends the JuMP model to the solver, in our case HiGHS, and solves an optimization problem. When this successfully completes, you should see the following status message being printed out to your terminal.

PowerSimulations.RunStatusModule.RunStatus.SUCCESSFUL = 0

Getting Results from the Model

Now that we've built and solved the model, we can get results from it.

PowerSimulations has some helper functionality to this end.

results = ProblemResults(model)
Start: 2020-01-01T00:00:00
End: 2020-01-01T23:00:00
Resolution: 60 minutes

PowerSimulations Problem Auxiliary variables Results
│ EnergyOutput__HydroDispatch │

PowerSimulations Problem Expressions Results
│ ProductionCostExpression__ThermalStandard   │
│ ProductionCostExpression__HydroDispatch     │
│ ProductionCostExpression__RenewableDispatch │

PowerSimulations Problem Parameters Results
│ RequirementTimeSeriesParameter__VariableReserve__PowerSystems.ReserveUp__Spin_Up_R1 │
│ RequirementTimeSeriesParameter__VariableReserve__PowerSystems.ReserveUp__Spin_Up_R3 │
│ ActivePowerTimeSeriesParameter__RenewableDispatch                                   │
│ ActivePowerTimeSeriesParameter__RenewableFix                                        │
│ ActivePowerTimeSeriesParameter__HydroDispatch                                       │
│ RequirementTimeSeriesParameter__VariableReserve__PowerSystems.ReserveUp__Spin_Up_R2 │
│ RequirementTimeSeriesParameter__VariableReserve__PowerSystems.ReserveDown__Reg_Down │
│ ActivePowerTimeSeriesParameter__PowerLoad                                           │
│ RequirementTimeSeriesParameter__VariableReserve__PowerSystems.ReserveUp__Reg_Up     │

PowerSimulations Problem Variables Results
│ ActivePowerReserveVariable__VariableReserve__PowerSystems.ReserveUp__Spin_Up_R1 │
│ ActivePowerReserveVariable__VariableReserve__PowerSystems.ReserveUp__Spin_Up_R3 │
│ StartVariable__ThermalStandard                                                  │
│ ActivePowerVariable__ThermalStandard                                            │
│ ActivePowerVariable__RenewableDispatch                                          │
│ OnVariable__ThermalStandard                                                     │
│ ActivePowerReserveVariable__VariableReserve__PowerSystems.ReserveUp__Reg_Up     │
│ ActivePowerReserveVariable__VariableReserve__PowerSystems.ReserveUp__Spin_Up_R2 │
│ ActivePowerReserveVariable__VariableReserve__PowerSystems.ReserveDown__Reg_Down │
│ StopVariable__ThermalStandard                                                   │
│ ActivePowerVariable__HydroDispatch                                              │

For example, if you are interested in getting the objection function value, you can use the get_objective_value function:


There are a lot of other helper functions available to get results from the model. In order to find what functions are available on to call, you can refer to the API reference documentation of PowerSimulations. Searching for res::ProblemResults on this page can help you find a method that you are interested in.

💡 Tip Sometimes you might want a quick way to see what methods are available without switching to a browser. You can use the methodswith function and pass in the type that you are interested in:
for method in methodswith(ProblemResults)
You won't usually need this but it can come in handy in a pinch.

Plotting Results

In addition to getting results as values, we would also like to visualize the results. The PowerGraphics package gets data from a ProblemResults instance and visualizes it using the Plots package.

Try running the following code in your REPL:

using PowerGraphics

p = plot_fuel(results)
💡 Tip If you wish to use PlotlyJS for interactive plots, you can by modifying the above code to the following:
using Plots


using PowerGraphics

p = plot_fuel(results)
In this code, the call to plotlyjs() changes the backend of Plots (which is what PowerGraphics) uses. You can change it back to the default backend by calling gr().


At the end of this tutorial, you should have a file that look something like this:

using Logging

@info "Building the RTS test system"
using PowerSystems
using PowerSystemCaseBuilder

# uses RTS Test System with Time Series data
system = build_system(PSITestSystems, "modified_RTS_GMLC_DA_sys"; force_build = true, skip_serialization = true)

@info "Building a template for unit commitment"
using PowerSimulations

template = template_unit_commitment()

@info "Creating a solver"
using HiGHS

optimizer = optimizer_with_attributes(HiGHS.Optimizer, "mip_rel_gap" => 0.05)

@info "Create a model"
model = DecisionModel(
   optimizer = optimizer,
   horizon = 24,

@info "Build the model"
build!(model, output_dir = mktempdir())

@info "Solve the model"

@info "Get results"
results = ProblemResults(model)

using PowerGraphics

p = plot_fuel(results)

In this basic tutorial, we created a system using PowerSystemCaseBuilder, created the default unit commitment template, built and solved a model using an optimization solver for a 24 hours horizon, and plotted some results.

In the next tutorial, we will cover how to manipulate the input data, how to customize the formulation template and more.

Before we end, let's refactor our code in preparation for the next session. We will do 2 things:

  1. Move all imports to the top of the file
  2. Create functions for individual steps
using Logging

using HiGHS
using PowerGraphics
using PowerSimulations
using PowerSystemCaseBuilder
using PowerSystems

function get_system()
   @info "Building the RTS test system"
   # uses RTS Test System with Time Series data
   build_system(PSITestSystems, "modified_RTS_GMLC_DA_sys"; force_build = true, skip_serialization = true)

function get_template()
   @info "Building a template for unit commitment"

function get_optimizer()
   @info "Creating a solver"
   optimizer_with_attributes(HiGHS.Optimizer, "mip_rel_gap" => 0.05)

function get_unit_commitment_model()
   system = get_system()
   template = get_template()
   optimizer = get_optimizer()

   @info "Create a model"
   model = DecisionModel(
      optimizer = optimizer,
      horizon = 24,

   build!(model, output_dir = mktempdir())

function plot_results(model)
   r = ProblemResults(model)

function main()
   @info "Build the model"
   model = get_unit_commitment_model()
   @info "Solve the model"
   @info "Get results"


One advantage of functions is that it makes our code reusable. Another advantage is that it plays well with a Julia package called Revise. For our current workflow however, we won't need to deal with Revise just yet.

CC BY-SA 4.0 "Dheepak Krishnamurthy". Last modified: August 26, 2022. Website built with Franklin.jl and the Julia programming language.