SIIP Tutorial

Using PowerSystems to calculate network matrices

Originally Contributed by: Clayton Barrows


PowerSystems.jl supports the calculation of several different matrix representations of power system networks. This example demonstrates how to use PowerSystems.jl to calculate:


Let's use a dataset from the tabular data parsing example

using PowerSystems
using TimeSeries
base_dir =; branch = "master");
sys = System(joinpath(base_dir, "matpower", "case5_re.m"))
┌ Error: Generator voltage set-points for bus 3 are inconsistent. This can lead to unexpected results
└ @ PowerSystems ~/.julia/packages/PowerSystems/zVsmd/src/parsers/pm_io/matpower.jl:245
┌ Error: Generator voltage set-points for bus 10 are inconsistent. This can lead to unexpected results
└ @ PowerSystems ~/.julia/packages/PowerSystems/zVsmd/src/parsers/pm_io/matpower.jl:245
Property Value
System Units Base SYSTEM_BASE
Base Power 100.0
Base Frequency 60.0
Num Components 30
Static Components
Type Count Has Static Time Series Has Forecasts
Arc 6 false false
Area 1 false false
Bus 5 false false
Line 5 false false
LoadZone 1 false false
PhaseShiftingTransformer 2 false false
PowerLoad 3 false false
RenewableDispatch 2 false false
ThermalStandard 5 false false


ybus = Ybus(sys)
    Dimension 1, [1, 2, 3, 4, 10]
    Dimension 2, [1, 2, 3, 4, 10]
And data, a (5, 5):
  22.2507-222.484im  -3.52348+35.2348im           ⋅           -3.2569+32.569im   -15.4703+154.703im
 -3.52348+35.2348im   12.6911-126.898im  -9.16758+91.6758im           ⋅                   ⋅    
          ⋅          -9.16758+91.6758im    15.525-155.247im  -7.45707+63.3779im           ⋅    
  -3.2569+32.569im            ⋅          -5.24067+63.5996im    12.948-129.473im  -3.33367+33.3367im
 -15.4703+154.703im           ⋅                   ⋅          -3.33367+33.3367im    18.804-188.021im


ptdf = PTDF(sys)
    Dimension 1, ["bus1-bus2-i_1", "bus1-bus4-i_2", "bus1-bus5-i_3", "bus2-bus3-i_4", "bus3-bus4-i_6", "bus3-bus4-i_5", "bus4-bus5-i_7"]
    Dimension 2, [1, 2, 3, 4, 10]
And data, a (7, 5):
  0.23245   -0.37175   -0.219627  0.0   0.19124
  0.41667    0.201807   0.119226  0.0   0.342801
  0.35088    0.169943   0.100401  0.0  -0.53404
  0.23245    0.62825   -0.219627  0.0   0.19124
  0.116225   0.314125   0.390186  0.0   0.0956199
  0.116225   0.314125   0.390186  0.0   0.0956199
 -0.35088   -0.169943  -0.100401  0.0  -0.46596


lodf = LODF(sys)
    Dimension 1, ["bus1-bus2-i_1", "bus1-bus4-i_2", "bus1-bus5-i_3", "bus2-bus3-i_4", "bus3-bus4-i_6", "bus3-bus4-i_5", "bus4-bus5-i_7"]
    Dimension 2, ["bus1-bus2-i_1", "bus1-bus4-i_2", "bus1-bus5-i_3", "bus2-bus3-i_4", "bus3-bus4-i_6", "bus3-bus4-i_5", "bus4-bus5-i_7"]
And data, a (7, 7):
 -1.0        0.398488   0.3581   -1.0       -0.360154  -0.360154  -0.3581
  0.542857  -1.0        0.6419    0.542857   0.195512   0.195512  -0.6419
  0.457143   0.601512  -1.0       0.457143   0.164642   0.164642   1.0
 -1.0        0.398488   0.3581   -1.0       -0.360154  -0.360154  -0.3581
 -0.5        0.199244   0.17905  -0.5       -1.0        0.639846  -0.17905
 -0.5        0.199244   0.17905  -0.5        0.639846  -1.0       -0.17905
 -0.457143  -0.601512   1.0      -0.457143  -0.164642  -0.164642  -1.0


Note that the axes of these matrices that correspond to buses are indexed by bus number (::Int64) while the branch axes are indexed by branch name (::String). You can access specific elements of the matrices as follows:

ptdf["bus3-bus4-i_6", 3]

Additionally, PowerSystems provides accessors to the network matrices that take Componets as arguments so that you can pass references to the components themselves rather than the name or number. For example:

buses = collect(get_components(Bus, sys))
ybus[buses[1], buses[2]]
-3.2569046378322044 + 32.56904637832204im

If you would instead like to index by bus name, something like the following should work:

busname2num = get_components(Bus, sys) |> (c -> Dict(zip(get_name.(c), get_number.(c))))
ptdf["bus3-bus4-i_6", busname2num["bus3"]]
CC BY-SA 4.0 "Dheepak Krishnamurthy". Last modified: August 26, 2022. Website built with Franklin.jl and the Julia programming language.