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Sienna capabilities for industry and research applications

Enabling scalable modeling capabilities through open-source applications

Production Cost Modeling

Advanced simulation capabilities for exploring system scheduling, method development, market opportunities, technology performance, and system reliability


Resource Adequacy

Probabilistic resource adequacy calculations for system reliability analysis.


Power Flow

Efficient power flow simulations using linearized-DC and AC power flow methods.


Transient Stability

Small signal stability analysis and full dynamic simulation capabilities for analyzing electro-magnetic transients and system stability in systems with large shares of inverter-based resources.


Power System Data Analysis

Efficient access to power system datasets in a rich ecosystem for scientific computing, data analysis, and visualization.

why choose sienna

Open solutions for a transforming industry

  • Cutting-edge modeling capabilities

    Scalable modeling capabilities powered by Julia with the rapid evolution of open-source development.

  • Extensibility

    Open codebase and permissive licensing (BSD 3.0) enable endless customization, reuse, and commercialization opportunities.

  • Efficiency by design

    Designed with efficiency in mind, Sienna promotes efficient, reproducible workflows that allows users to identify issues early and generate results quickly.

about NREL

Focused on today's Energy Challenges

From breakthroughs in fundamental science to new clean technologies to integrated energy systems that power our lives, NREL researchers are transforming the way the nation and the world use energy. We built Sienna to enable energy systems analysis at a scale that matters for users around the globe.

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Why we use Sienna

We built Sienna to address emerging industry challenges with scalable new modeling methods.

I started developing Sienna during my Ph.D. program to explore new methods at scale on real datasets.

Clayton Barrows, Ph.D.

Sienna Principal Investigator, Researcher & Group Manager, NREL.

José Daniel Lara

Sienna Development Lead, Senior Researcher, NREL.

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